Hi all
I have a nice deal and some news.

1. Obstructing
I like my partner’s 2 bid here, it takes away fourth suit forcing and a load of bidding space as well. In my opinion it doesn’t really qualify as an immediate weak jump because of the meager suit quality and the four card
suit, but in the rebound it looks fine. The lack of high cards is nauseating, but your distribution makes up for action.
I showed my discomfort about the auction with a sweaty double. And it was up to my partner to pull the winning lead from her collection.
She kicked off with a small trump. Olympic gold!
Without a trump lead declarer can ruff his two small in dummy and claim twelve tricks without effort.
Don’t you just wanna kiss and marry such a partner? So I did.
Sanne and Jannes got married on the 6th of August, 2008.