Hi all
The streak has ended. In a pleasant and swingy match we were 4 imps short of making it to the Final Four. Bitter. But a bit sweet too, Michael and I had a good connection for a first time partnership and the overall experience was satisfactory.
Here’s a bright example of Michael operating delicately (I was sitting North):
- 4+ , guaranteed unbalanced
- Inverted
- Splinter
- Fast arrival
- I’ve got a monster
Even though responding hand is so balanced, I felt alright about my inverted raise. Prime values, almost always a 9 card fit and with those empty Majors other calls were out of the question. Michael’s splinter didn’t hit the soft spot, so to say. Quite the opposite actually, so I fast-arrivaled to the game. Michael raised himself to slam.
West started with the Queen and this is what he saw:
Michael cashed both top pitching from his hand, then he ruffed the remaining with trump King. The Queen (unblocking the 8 from dummy) showed that West started with all three of them. Next came both top , and the 5 via the 6 for dummy’s 7. The ruffed with trump Jack and then cross to dummy while drawing the last trump to reach this position:
Strip complete and a to the Ten placed West: +920. The other table ended up playing NT scoring 11 tricks.
From left to right: Bill, Michael, me and Drew. Thanks guys!