Hi all
So when we qualified for the second day of the Spingold, we were seed #62. I would have loved to play Monaco, but we got matched up with team Diamond instead (Hampson & Greco, Gitelman & Moss and Diamond & Platnick). Urgh! Some heavyweights.
The first quarter I had some startup problems, defending sub-optimally, choosing to defend with a 7-5 in the Majors, and throwing the towel too early in partscore battles. It all adds up so quickly. After the first 16 boards we’re staring into a 50 IMP abyss. Sigh!
Here’s an impressive sequence to a borderline slam, Hampson and Greco showing off their tools and agreements.

- 19-21
- Stayman
- Natural, slammish
- Keycards,
are trumps
- “I worry about the
- “Don’t worry, I got it under control. Now show me your keycards!”
- One keycard
- Trump Queen?
- Yes, and the
This was the full deal:
As you can see 6 needs some work. Trumps splitting or the Jack onside (or stiff). King of
onside and 3-3, or a squeeze against
length and the
Queen. Obviously Greco had no problem squeezing the life out of me. I don’t blame my team mates at all for not finding this slam.