Hi all
Some jewelry last night. Hoek and I didn’t handle all freaky hands that well (there were several), but overall we were satisfied with bidding and play. Here’s one, repeat after me: powder and keg.
1. Booomm!
I put a fuse in declarer and light it. The lead is easy: the King of and dummy comes down. I’m happy.
West mistook one of his little for a and starts with some apologies. I don’t mind, dinner just got a little bigger.
I continue with a to partner’s Queen and Hoek returns a for my Ace. An innocent little follows and declarer finesses into Hoek’s King. Another gets ruffed and overruffed. I exit in for dummy’s Queen. When declarer tried to cross to the Jack of I ruff and play another round of .
Declarer really in trouble has to ruff with one of dummy’s honors else Hoek gets a free ruff. But now he cannot draw both my remaining trumps. So my Queen of is good for down four. It has been a long time ago I had a gratifying double like this.