Hi all
I’ll start with one of the biggest games last night. At my table the bidding was quick ‘n easy:
1. Weak with both Majors (I surely must have felt invulnerable)
Thirteen tricks from top.
At another table however, NS had an undisturbed auction involving minor suit ask and South ended up playing 7. I guess South must have felt sick when he saw the bad trump split. But don’t let your head down, all is not lost. Take the lead in dummy and next the Ace of (yuck!). Seek inner peace now to overcome the bad split. You will soon find out thirteen tricks are there to take if West holds three . Cash two more rounds of and ruff your third in dummy, leading to this position:
Now clean out the rest of the garbage by taking your King and Queen of and play the thirteenth . West is caught between Scylla and Charybdis.