Hi all
Last Saturday the teams season closed. We occupied a solid spot in the middle, but a lot happened in the top, favourite teams losing to underdogs. If we had scored 50 VIP out of 2 matches (instead of 36) then promotion would have been ours. Alas!
I was kibitzing Sjoerd in the second match (René and I played just the first match):
Nice. Sjoerd and Wim play some crazy system: Utrechtse Klaver. CanapĂ© style with a strong 1NT opening. And by strong I mean 23+ balanced or 21+ unbalanced. DONT or Landy are not advised unless you are prepared for a massacre. The hand above fits nicely in their system, but it’s not your turn yet. Your LHO opens 1, passed to you.
Sjoerd started with double, buying the hand in 4.
Too bad the didn’t split. There are some remote chances of establishing an endplay if West takes a nap on the run of trumps, but 4
can always be defeated (West should keep a small
). Sjoerd had some fantasies of finding partner with a magic hand, but later he agreed to my practical suggestion: 3NT. You have 9 solid tricks, so do the obvious thing.