Hi all
Another one from the glorious match last monday. At both tables 5 went down one, but in the post mortem Wim found the way to eleven tricks.

1. 15-17 balanced or unbalanced 4+
2. Inverted
3. unbalanced
4. stopper
5. Half a stop?
6. No, but something extras in
7. Not enough for 5, but interpreted as slaminvitational
8. Cue
9. Pulling the brakes
The plan. Take the trump lead in dummy and immediately play a . Take the (likely) trump continuation again in dummy and ruff the other
. Cross to dummy in trumps, finesse in
, and play
Ace and a third round. This is the position:
East will be on lead and has to lead away from the King of or give a ruff and discard. On the thirteenth
you can dispose of the other losing
then. But what if East throws his
King, foreseeing the throw in? Too bad, West holds the
Jack, so the
position is locked frozen for the opponents. Complete deal: