Hi all
Friday, Christmas drive at one of the other strong clubs in Utrecht (BCO). Though I’m no member anymore, I felt welcome the moment I entered the playing field. With Dennis this time, lucky me.
We played solid, here and there we bled some imp, but our opponents often returned the favour. Sitting South I held:
I heard lefty pass, Dennis 1NT (12-14), and my RHO entered the bidding with a preemptive 3. What to do? This is how the bidding proceeded:

1. 12-14
I had the right momentum in bidding 6, opposite a fitting hand and probably no wastage in
it’s so close, I thought. And when it was passed around, it truly felt as if I had hit the soft spot.
When West started with a it was the end of the defence, I discarded the losing
in dummy on my fifth
after drawing trumps.
K’ching! 11 fat imp, for nobody had found this one.